Vibrant health can be defined as experiencing the fullness of life physically, mentally, and emotionally. Health is much more than the absence of disease. True health is a state of vibrant well-being.
But most of us have never experienced vibrant health. We are living in the most unhealthy society that has ever existed. Most people are willing to accept feeling just okay, and they expect to be tired and have the normal signs of aging. But this is not normal! Just because it is common these days, does not make it normal.
So, what is vibrant health? To answer this question, we must look at the research of Weston Price.
Dr. Weston Price was a dentist in Cleveland, Ohio in the 1930's. He began noticing that the children of his patients were having many problems he had never seen before: crowded, crooked teeth; rampant cavities, frequent infections, allergies, asthma, and behavioral problems. His quest for the answer led him to travel the globe for 10 years in search of people with optimal health.
What he found amazed him: In 14 different isolated cultures, he found that tooth decay was rare or non-existent! There were people that had never seen a dentist, or even brushed their teeth! He also found that they were free from diseases such as cancer, heart disease, tuberculosis, allergies, and infections. Even the way they looked displayed their vibrant health: they had excellent bone structure. Their faces were wide and well formed, they had high cheekbones, and a broad jaw that had perfectly straight teeth, even their wisdom teeth!
When Dr. Price analyzed the foods they ate, he found that it contained 4 times the minerals and 10 times the vitamins as the modern American diet of his time. So, what did they eat? Each culture had one thing in common: They ate foods in their natural form, just as nature provided them. Their meat was from healthy animals on lush pastures. Their milk was raw, not heat treated or homogenized. They ate fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, and whole grains. By eating natural foods, they were able to obtain all the nutrients needed by the body for it to be in perfect health. They were able to reach their genetic potential.
Weston Price found that in nearby modernized areas where stores or outposts had been established, the native foods had been replaced by foods of modern civilization: sugar, white flour, canned goods, jams, pastries, and preserved foods. He noticed that when the healthy people ate this food instead of their natural diet, they became sick, had dental cavities, birth defects, and other diseases. The children that were born to parents eating these modern foods had the same problem that Dr. Price had seen in his dental practice: crowded, crooked teeth, poor bone structure, allergies, and infections. These modern foods were not providing sufficient nutrients to allow the body to develop correctly. They had narrow faces and jawbones without room for all their teeth, and narrowed nostrils that created a tendency for allergies. They were unable to reach their full genetic potential or attain vibrant health.
Weston Price stated, "Life in all it's fullness, is Mother Nature obeyed." God's Creation has everything we need to be in optimal health.
See his book, Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, for more information. His book should be required reading in schools and universities. But unfortunately, most people have never heard of him. It is a nutritional classic that every person should read.
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